Open, Semi-Open Or Closed Adoption

If You Decide To Place Your Baby For Adoption, You Have The Choice Of Having An Open, Semi-Open Or Closed Adoption.

Open Adoption Open Adoption

An open adoption refers to an adoption process where there is personal interaction between birth and adoptive parents during the pregnancy and after the birth of the child. The type and length of interaction can vary, but may include some or all of the following: letters, phone calls, emails, social media contact, and/or exchanging photos and visits.


Advantages Of Open Adoptions

Relationship With Your Child

There is potential to develop and nurture an ongoing relationship with your child as her or she grows up. Your interactions may include , phone calls, exchanging pictures, emails, and even visits, including but not limited to attending graduations and other special events in your child's life.

Reduced Uncertainty

An open adoption may help birth parents feel reassured about how their child is doing when they have an open relationship with their child's adoptive parents.

Relationship With The Adoptive Family

There is an opportunity to develop a solid relationship with the adoptive family. You may feel that your child's adoptive parents are like your extended family.

Reduced Guilt

With an open adoption and ongoing relationship, birth moms report feeling less guilt about their decision to give their baby up for adoption.

Reduced Fear

When there is a communication between the birth and adoptive parents prior to the birth, the birth mom usually has less fear about the well-being of her child.

Disadvantages Of Open Adoptions

Feelings of Obligation

A birth mom may feel that she is obligated to place her child with an adoptive family, if the adoptive family has helped her out financially. *Keep in mind that you are never obligated to place your child for adoption regardless of any financial assistance that you may have received.

A birth mom may also feel obligated to place her child with an adoptive family if she has been in contact with them during the pregnancy and has developed an emotional bond with them.

Potential Disappointment

The opportunity to interact with the adoptive family, may lead to feelings of disappointment if they fail to meet your expectations.

Every adoption situation is unique. The open adoption experience may vary due to individual circumstances. It is best to keep the lines of combination open about expectations, wishes and desires.

Boundary Issues

There is a potential for boundary issues at any time during an open adoption process. The birth and adoptive family may struggle with their various roles and how they fit into the child’s life.

Semi-Open Adoption Semi-Open Adoption

A semi-open adoption occurs when birth and adoptive families experience non-identifying contact with one another. Non-identifying contact is done through letters, phone calls and/or emails and keep the personal details of all parties private. This arrangement is normally managed through an adoption agency or lawyer.

Semi-Open Adoption

Advantages Of Semi-Open Adoptions


Because communication between the birth and adoptive parents occur through the agency, the birth mom usually feels a sense of privacy.

Sense Of Control

Many birth moms do not feel a sense of control when placing their baby for adoption. An open adoption may allow you to interview and choose your child’s parent, leading to a greater sense of empowerment, security, control and dignity.

Reduced Fear

When adoption professionals are involved with the communication process, birth moms may feel secure in the well-being of their child.

Helps With Mourning

Receiving regular updates from the adoptive parents through the adoption agency, about the child’s well-being and developmental milestones, may help birth moms deal with their sense of grief and loss.

Reduced Uncertainties

Communications and updates received through the adoption professional, may help the birth mom to feel reassured about the well-being of their child.

Disadvantages Of Semi-Open Adoptions

Loss of Relationship

Considering that the communication between birth and adoptive families occurs through the adoption professional, there may not be an opportunity for the birth mom to establish and maintain a relationship with her child or her child’s adoptive parents.

Increased Grief

The birth mom may experience increased grief if she received photos and emails but not direct contact with the child or the adoptive parents.

Interruption In Contact

Consider semi-open adoption is managed through an adoption professional, if the adoption worker changes or leaves, there may be a break in communication until a replacement is established.

Closed Adoption Closed Adoption

A closed Adoption refers to an adoption process where there is no interaction between the birth parents and the adoptive family. There is no identifying information given to either side. However, non-identifying information may be shared. Non-identifying information may include physical characteristics and medical history.

Closed Adoption

Advantages Of Closed Adoptions


Without knowing the adoptive family birth moms may feel less vulnerableif their privacy is protected.

Reduced Fear

A closed adoption allows a reduced chance of confrontation.

Sense of Closure

A closed adoption may allow birth parents and adoptive families to feel a sense of closure and allow for an easier transition in moving on with their lives.

Disadvantages Of Closed Adoptions

Abandonment Issues

Some birth mothers may feel like they are abandoning their child if they participated in a closed adoption.

Denial Issues

Placing a child for adoption may cause feelings of denial. If the process was completely closed, birth moms may feel as if the adoption never occurred.

Grief Issues

Your grieving process may be more difficult due to a lack of information about the child.

Guilt Issues

Lack of an opportunity to explain to your child why they were placed for adoption, may lead to increased feelings of guilt. A professional counselor can help you cope with these feelings.

Lack of Information

A lack of information, combined with feelings of grief, guilt and other emotions may leave a birth mom susceptible to depression. Your adoption professional can help you locate appropriate counseling to help you manage these feelings.