Adoption Process

If you are thinking about placing your baby for adoption, you may be wondering what to expect during the adoption process. While every situation is unique to the individuals involved, there are set of common steps that you can except to go through.

Adoption Process

Step 1

Adoption Process

DECIDE if you want to place your baby for adoption. If you need support and encourangement during the decision-making phase, please contact us 24/7 for a shoulder to lean on. We are a heart with ears and will listen to your concerns and answer your questions.

Step 2

Adoption Process

CREATE an adoption plan. If you have decided to move forward with adoption, we can help you make an adoption plan. An adoption plan is an outline of your wishes for the adoption. It includes your plans to pursue an open, semi-open or closed adoption and a variety of other factors. We will work with you to create an adoption plan that is perfect for you and your child.

Step 3

Adoption Process

SELECT an adoptive family and wait for their acceptance of working with you.

Step 4

Adoption Process

REVIEW profiles of waiting families to choose who you would like to adopt your baby. If none of the profiles interest you, we will complete a personal search to help locate your dream adoptive family.

Adoption Process
Adoption Process

Step 5

Adoption Process

CHOOSE open, semi-open or closed adoption. While you are waiting for your baby to be born, you may or may not be in contact with the adoptive parents, depending if you chose an open, semi-open or closed adoption. You will also get your living expenses paid during this time frame. If you have already delivered ,you may be entitled to back pay from the start of your pregnancy.

Step 6

Adoption Process

SIGN termination papers. After the baby is born sign termination/relinquishment of parental rights paperwork (immediately - 72 hours after the birth) depending on your state.

Step 7

Adoption Process

PREPARE for your baby to leave with his or her adoptive family. Your baby will go home with their adoptive parents and you will continue to recieve emotional support/counselling and possibly financial assistance (up to 6 weeks) after giving birth.

Step 8

Adoption Process

WORK with your adoption counselor to process your feelings and emotions about the adoption. Please keep in mind that there is no one way to grieve. No one has a right to put a timeline on your grieving process and you should feel free to take as much time as you need to deal with the feelings associated with placing your baby for adoption.

Adoption Process

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